Notice of Temporary Closing

Temporary closing day: Friday, April 12, 2024

We will be temporarily closed due to an in-house event during the above period.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to our business partners.

Information of Fashion x Media x Consumer Survey “FABCO” 2023

Quantitative survey of approximately 10,000 Consumer”FABCO(Futaba’s Assessment of Brands & Consumer)”.
In May 2023, all restrictions on behavior following the spread of Covid-19 were lifted.
Lifestyle behavior has generally returned to pre-Covid-19 disaster levels, and the excitement of “just before the end of the Covid-19” has subsided.
In addition, the yen’s depreciation, which has been continuing for more than a year, and rising living costs due to a rush of price increases seem to have affected consumer attitudes.

We have released a summary of the survey results, which we hope you will find useful.

Fashion x Media x Consumer Survey “FABCO” 2023

Our New Year’s Holiday

This year marks the 75th anniversary of our founding, a year of change.
And “new preparations” are underway for 2024.

We have been able to progress this far thanks to your understanding and cooperation.
Once again, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Above all, I wish you all a happy new year in 2024.

Our office will be open until December 28 (Thu.) during the end of the year, and will be open from January 5 (Fri.) for the New Year.

[ 2023 Edition ] Interview with students of Bunka Fashion College! The real-voice of the “Fashionable Generation Z” Group Interview Report presented

As in 2022, with the cooperation of the Fashion Promotion Course of the Fashion Distribution Department of Bunka Fashion College, we planned group interviews with current students of Bunka Fashion College = the “Fashionable Z Generation” to learn about the “realities” of communication and fashion.

We also conducted a web-based questionnaire answered by 614 current Bunka Fashion College students in advance.
In this group interview, we gathered students with unique personalities of Bunka Fashion College and scooped up their true feelings, which could not be seen in the questionnaire.
We hope you will find this report useful in learning more about the fashionable Generation Z.

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